Monday, January 23, 2012

Laundry day

Can I just say how much I strongly dislike doing laundry?  I have always disliked it, just because it is such a time consuming chore, but I especially dislike it since we moved to Beeville and we don't have washer and dryer connections in our apartment.  I mean really?  This stinks majorly!  Because otherwise it would just be something much easier to deal with.  And honestly, I will say this, not having a w/d in the apartment has taught me a thing or two:

My mother was right all those years ago when she said laundry would be easier if I just did a batch a day (and once we live in a place where we DO have connections, that is something that is going to happen consistently, much easier washing, drying, and putting away one batch versus 5 like today)

When you leave a pair of undies in the washer, you won't find it in the next wash at a laundry mat, you just loose them, pray they aren't your favorite.

Laundry mats and children are usually a very deadly combination in terms of driving everyone nuts.  Ethan LOVES the giant washer and dryers and laundry carts and pushing the buttons and collecting the coins from the change maker and getting a treat (usually an overpriced honey bun from the vending machine) and running around like a banshee.  It takes everything I have to hurry up and get out of there before I get permanently banned.  Luckily, the main girl who is usually works there during the day LOVES Ethan!

It is so nice when someone offers to let you use their washer and dryer.  SO nice.  As in saves us $20 in one pop nice.  And nice to have someone to talk to and hang out with that understands your crazy 2.5 yr old. And feeds you.  What awesome friends I have!  This reminds me of another thing, I will be OPEN to anyone coming over to MY house to do laundry ANY TIME (granted, once we get some where that has washer and dryer connections, however, I seem to be one of the only ones out of everyone I know needing the kindness of others every once in a while to keep my laundry sanity).

But that's okay.  As much as doing laundry stinks (well actually, end product is smells nice), it is kind of therapeutic knowing how I am contributing to our family by taking care of this necessary aspect of our lives. A lot of stuff goes unnoticed staying home, like how often I pick up, how often I need to stop everything I am doing to address a whiny kid, food prep, dishes, vacuuming, sweeping, spot cleaning, maintaining the animals, grocery shopping, menu planning, laundry, baking, etc, all while attempting to have friendships. Um yes, this job is hard, but it was much harder when I worked outside the home too.  Because I had to try to break all those jobs up into my last 3 hours a day, and then wander who is picking up the slack.

But y'all, just pray for me to be able to make it however long God wills it here in this teeny tiny apartment with no dishwasher and no washer and dryer connections.  I know I can do it, it is just a mind over matter, and I can say thing: I will THOROUGHLY enjoy those luxuries when given back!!

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