Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Dear Ethan

Dear Ethan M. Mann,

We, Mommy & Daddy, currently hereforth referred to as "the company", are writing you this letter in review of your current work status as child.

The company thus far has been pleased with your performance. The company would like you to work on the following things before your next review:

1) Pick up your toys when you are done playing with them
2) Ask for something you want instead of demanding it
3) If you are angry, please go to your room until your anger is in control
4) Help the company with everything they ask without arguement.

The company understands that these items above may be difficult at your current training.  Therefore, the company will continue training you as long as needed to acheive these items as well as add additional duties according to your skill level.  Please keep in mind the companies goal is to make you successful, thereby making the company successful.

These things are manditory to learn, as you are being promoted to big brother come the end of April.  Until then, you will continue working for the company at your current rank, gaining the skills necessary to move forward in your new job.  Some futures duties may include, but may not be limited to are:

1) Bringing the company a diaper, wipes, rash cream, etc
2) Holding your new sibling, kissing, and posing for pictures
3) Teaching your sibling the things you have already learned
4) Protecting your sibling from anything dangerous

We, the company, have 100% faith that you can complete these tasks.  Please sign below if you understand the terms of your conditions.


The Company

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Conviction laid upon my heart

I have been struggling with something big.  And I don't really want to post what it is, because partially, I am ashamed of the struggle (although the struggle is of the devil, not of God, he asks that we give our burdens to him and he will carry our cross), and partially because it is awfully personal.  But that's not why I am blogging today.  I am blogging because during my women's daily devotional bible study today, I felt convicted. God is speaking to me.  And can say I say that, oh me oh my, does it ever hurt me to know that I am being reprimanded, but I know it is for my own good.  Like we discipline our children, not because we love to hurt them or hurt their feelings, or be a giant nag (altho that's how I feel some day ha!), but because we want them to learn respect, safety, social skills, politeness, responsibility, etc.  And God wants the same for us.

So this bible devotional focuses on Psalm 51:1-19.  In short, it is the Psalm where King David is convicted of his wrong doing actions in killing Uriah so that he could "justify" having Uriah's wife as his own (mind you, he had already taken Uriah's wife, and she was with child.  So he tried to get Uriah to "lay" with his wife so he could hide the pregnancy.  Uriah was a noble man and would not sleep in comfort when he men were on the front lines.  Nothing David did could convince Uriah to visit his wife, so he decided that he should just have him conveniently killed in battle.)  Nathan, being a vessel for God, calls him out on his sin, because adultery is adultery, even if you change the name of it to "sharing" or make excuses such as "well her husband died, so our relationship is appropriate now".  This study focuses on what excuses do we make for our sin, and what have we called our sin to "dress" it up and feel better?  Here's the examples they gave: "It isn't gossip, it is sharing", "it isn't coveting, it is admiring", "it isn't lying, it's explaining".

The study goes on to say that God doesn't forgive excuses or renaming our sins, he forgives our SINS.  Which brings me to the main reason I am blogging today.  A while back, I am not sure when, maybe some time in college, I decided that when I made a mistake that I wouldn't muddy up my apology by excuses, so called "justifications", or unnecessary explanations. I would woman up and accept my mistakes.  Nothing annoyed me more than someone saying, "I am so sorry but this is what happened".  Regardless of what happened, we are still responsible for our responses, our actions, our words.  Just because someone wronged you does not give you an excuse to wrong them in return.  Just because you have had a bad day does not allow for you to be ugly to others.  Just because... dare I say it... just because someone close to you has died or possibly moved on in life... does not give you permission to be a terrible person.  And I have lost both kinds of people.  And yes, it is awfully difficult to avoid becoming bitter in the circumstances, but bitterness is like poison to the soul.  It will eat you alive.  Until there is nothing of your former self left except decay, disgust, and blackness.  And then you will wander why people don't want relationships with you, and you don't have friends, and you are so unhappy.  But it is NEVER too late to turn around.  Even if you are already full of decay and disgust.  Our Jesus died so that he could wash us white as snow.  How awesome is that???????  Back to my decision I made a while back.  Often, I am reminded of this promise I made to myself, I am sure by God, because I think the action of apologizing without excuses is probably acceptable in God's eyes.  And I must do this for him also.  I must come to God, humble, ashamed of my sin, ready to hand it over and ask for forgiveness, and not try to justify my actions, because God cannot hear the justifications, just the sins.

Ugh.  This is just a difficult principle to administer. I just thank God that he still is interested in me to keep correcting me, because if it ever comes to the point when I don't feel God's corrections than I know that his favor has been lifted from me, and that will be a hard hard day!  So, what excuses or renaming have you been doing in your life to justify your sin?  Ask for forgiveness from the sin, and nothing else, and work on changing your path to avoid those sins.

Thank you God, for this day.  For the light to see the sky, for the warmth on my skin, for the ability to pay our bills, even if not much is left over, for the health of my family, for my husbands job, for my awesome church family who always takes care of each other.  Thank you God for a working vehicle, for gas money, for nice cloths to wear and things we don't need but certainly do love.  Thank you God for my extended family, including those who I have adopted as family.  Most of all, thank you God for your son Jesus, that you should send him to us to die for our sins. I can never thank you enough. Amen